What is Reiki?
Reiki is a form of energy healing that centers on the manipulation of ki, the Japanese version of chi. Rei means spirit in Japanese, so reiki literally means spirit life force. A Japanese healing energy technique for chakra balancing, stress reduction and relaxation. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" (Ki) of the universe flows through us. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.
“The word healing comes from the same root as the word whole. Whole, health,healing,holy… All comes from the same root. To be healed means to be joined with the whole. To be ill means to be disconnected with the whole. An ill person is one who has simply developed blocks between himself and the whole, so something is disconnected. The function of the healer is to reconnect it. But when I say the function of the healer is reconnect it, I don’t mean that the healer has to do something. The healer is just a vehicle, the doer is the whole”
Osho - Medication to Meditation
How Reiki supports Health and Wellbeing
- Strengthen life force energy and intuition
- Balances the organs and glands and their badly functions
- Releases blocks and suppressed feelings
- Promotes natural self-healing and creativity
- Adopts to your own natural needs
- Balances the energies in the body
- Enhances personal awareness and helps meditative states
- Reduces and relieves stress
- Heals holistically
- Relieves pain and stress
- Clear toxins
Basic Reiki Principles
Reiki works with the endocrine system and regulates hormone balance in the body and metabolism. On an energetic level, the endocrine glands correspond tho ands integrate with the “chakras” in the energy body. In ancient Eastern wisdom there are seven main chakras. Each of these chakras is a vital energy centre in the body that serves to receive, transmute and organize the subtle energies of the cosmic life force.This powerful natural energy is available to all of us - we are born with it, and it flows through us and sustains our lives every day. Reiki can be learned by anyone who is open to it.This ancient healing method that is easy to learn and which can provide a real enrichment of your everyday life…
If you need more information please visit www.petekkitamura.com
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