Chi-Nei Tsang
What is Chi-Nei Tsang-Internal Organs Chi Therapy
Chi Nei Tsang is a Chinese healing therapy that originated in Taoist monasteries to help monks detox, strengthen and refine their bodies, giving them the energy needed for spiritual practices. Using techniques from Qi Gong, Tai Chi and Kung Fu, Chi Nei Tsang works to create a balance of the body, mind and spirit. An ancient Chinese Therapy that relieves tensions around the abdomen, Chi Nei Tsang unblocks organs to clear up digestive problems and get you back to your natural balance – helping you feel calmer, cleaner and more vibrant.

Understanding Chi
Chi or life force energy, moves through your body’s internal channels, nervous system, blood vessels and lymph glands. These body systems all concentrate and cross paths in your abdomen which acts as their control center. When your abdomen is healthy, Chi can flow through your body freely and your life force remains strong.
Taoist philosophy teaches that when you become sick or suffer any physical disturbance, it can be traced back to organ obstructions and congestion in your abdomen. Tensions, worries and stresses of the day, month or years that accumulate in the abdomen are seldom dispersed. These disturbances can cause physical tangling and knotting of the nerves, blood vessels and lymph nodes. The result is the gradual obstruction of your energy or Chi circulation.
Emotions such as fear, anger, anxiety, depression, sadness and worry cause the most damage. Problems are also caused by overwork, stress, accidents, surgery, drugs, toxins, poor food , bad posture and bad diet.
How negative energy causes sickness?
When an unhealthy energy is obstructing one of your organs, it will search for an outlet, overflowing into other bodily systems, surfacing as negative emotions and sickness. These circulating negative emotions and toxic energies create a perpetual cycle of negativity and stress. When an outlet cannot be found, your abdomen becomes your body’s “garbage dump”.
Your abdomen can release some emotional distress, but more oftenit does not keep up with the flow. The energetic center of your body, located at your navel, becomes congested and cut off from the rest of your body.
Stress, tension and negative emotions accumulate in our abdomen. The entire energy of our body is blocked when this area becomes congested, slowly weakening our internal organs and immune system and decreasing energy level and vitality. Chi Nei Tsang focuses on acupressure points around the navel and surrounding abdominal area to relieve congestion and increase energy, helping our body function better, heal and fight off illness.

How Chi Nei Tsang Differs from other Bodywork Modalities?
Most bodyworks practices, such as reflexology, psychology, reiki, shiatsu and massage use indirect methods to contact internal organs. Chi Nei Tsang directly massages to your internal organs. It is the most comprehensive approach to energizing, strengthening and detoxifying your internal system. Chi Nei Tsang is a deep tissue massage.
How Chi Nei Tsang can help you deal with Stress?
Although there are many potential stress situations that people encounter in their lives, the two that affect them most quickly are emotional (relationship) stress and work related stress. In both cases the first organ to be affected is the small intestine (second brain) – (the Taoist regard as the Tan Tien), which is in charge of not only digesting food but also emotional traumas. This creates a tight, painful, bloated stomach, poor digestion, constipation, PMS problems, irritable bowel syndrome and other symptoms. If this area is knotted up, the whole energy of the body is blocked. When this occurs, all the vital energy functions strain slowly weakening the internal organs and decreasing the energy. This is turn causes problems in the liver and gall bladder.
Stress is the long run, kills because it drains you of the life-force energy in your kidneys and adrenals, causing you to feel constantly fatigued. In the work place this results in anger, frustration and fear as you continue to force a daily pace that is longer than your biological rhythms would aloe. In relationships, emotional stress creates confusion in your nervous system, prevents clear mindedness and shocks your liver. The negative emotions that a rise often end up being dumped back in to the relationship.
It eliminates toxins in the gastrointestinal tract and promoted lymphatic drainage. Chi Nei Tsang helps you to experience love, joy and respect instead of the negative emotions such as cruelty and impatience.
Time honored methods such as meditation and Chi Nei Tsang continue to be the most efficient ways to recycle stress, because your focus turns away from the “problem” and towards a solution.
CHI NEI TSANG is not suitable
- If you are pregnant.
- If you use an IUD.
- If you are menstrual.
- If you use pace maker.
If you need more information please visit www.universal-tao.com
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